Best Lock for home security

23rd October 2015 - 1 Comment

Home Security 

high securitylocksglasgowlocksmith-r.jpgIt's a fact that most homes spend between £100 and £2000 on an alarm system that will inform everybody that an intruder is in your home.

Yet the lock fitted on the doors to prevent unlawful access probably costs less than a fiver.



Security Doors or 5 Point Locking Mechanisms?

Your new door may look great, it may feel solid and be fitted with an incredible 5 point locking mechanism but given all that - the weak point is the locking cylinder.

alslocksmithglasgowsecuritylocks-r.jpgIn new build properties fitted with these types of locks and deadlock lock cases, typical gain entry times can be between 10 and 40 seconds. The typical standard cylinder including BS kite marked variants can actually aid entry into the premises without the need to pick the locks or drill them.

A high security lock prevents access full stop. Protecting your home or business. An affordable investment in home security.

Protect your home with an anti snap lock.

Locks can be suited so that one key will open all the locks in your home. You tell us how many keys you require and A.L.S. Locksmiths can provide this option. For example 4 locks to 4 doors all operated by the same key that is unique to your home or business.

shigh securitylocksglasgowlocksmiths-r.jpg






The truth about Snap Safe Locks

Locks with kite marks or a star have definitely been snap tested

Answer: NO
It is possible to get a T007 1 star accredited lock and even a kite mark without having to be tested for snap protection.


Any lock with a sacrificial section will protect from lock snapping

Answer: NO
Whilst sacrificial sections are one form of defense to a snapping attack many ‘anti-snap’ locks can be snapped in the centre and not on the sacrificial element as designed.

The snap tested lock is still protecting me even if the key is on the inside of the door.

Answer: NO
All tests are carried out on the basis of the key not being on the inside of the lock. Some high security cylinders offer no snap protection if the key is in the lock on the inside.


My door is secure because it has an expensive multipoint lock
Answer: Not necessarily
Strong multi-point locks are necessary and will prevent a burglar from trying to ram the door open, but burglars generally don’t try this. They will try to disable the multipoint lock by breaking the cheap cylinder lock.


Locks with 3 stars have been through the most rigorous test.

Answer: NO
There are many locks with 3 stars but there is much harder test by Master Locksmith Association called Sold Secure Diamond 312. Very few locks with 3 star achieve this standard.

Lock snapping is a regional attack method

Answer: NO
Because this entry method is so quick, easy and quiet on doors with cheap cylinder locks burglars all over the country have now adopted this as their preferred entry method.



1 Comment

Holly Said:

Well-written post! Blogposts like these makes me motivated to secure our home, so thank you. I want to share a company that always gives out the best security doors. "Page Doors". They have all types of doors which all prioritizes security. Thanks again!

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