My review of goretex army mittens advantages and disadvantages
12th June 2017 - 0 Comments
My review of goretex army mittens advantages and disadvantages
When it comes to gloves I could never find anything that was completely waterproof. I tried the real expensive gloves but they just soaked up the water and even tried going onto forums to find out what other people were using.
This is whats works for me.
Advantages lightweight and durable,
waterproof and windproof outer layer
I wear a pair of inner gloves and put these on in harsh or freezing weather tested at -15 wind chill winter munro bagging.
Cost for pair is £7 to £10
Still keep dexterity even though they are a mitten. I can operate my Pentax wearing these
Not the coolest looking gloves
its a mitten
Need to wear inner gloves
Would I buy again if had to - Yes
This is my review